Mastodon Server Covenant

Mindly.Social abides by the Mastodon Server Covenant

  1. Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia

    Users must have the confidence that they are joining a safe space, free from white supremacy, anti-semitism and transphobia of other platforms.

  2. Daily backups

    It is important for users to have the confidence that a trip over the power cable or a rogue bit flip will not erase all of their data. Having a backup strategy is a basic necessity of providing a public service.

  3. At least one other person with emergency access to the server infrastructure

    Various circumstances can prevent the original owner of the Mastodon server from answering technical emergencies. For this reason, more than one person must have that capability.

  4. Commitment to give users at least 3 months of advance warning in case of shutting down

    Sometimes services shut down, it is the cycle of life. But users must have the confidence that their account will not disappear overnight, so that they have time to export their data and find another server.